Maybe you’re a bit confused about where your life is really going. This is where numbers come in. According to Pythagoras, the realm of numbers and mathematical concepts offers a more reliable, and determinable reality. Numbers are the universal language. Thus, numerology was born to unlock the secret relationship of things and events with numbers. In numerology, your Life Path is your main number; it shows what opportunities will come your way, and where your main talents and abilities lie. It is calculated using Fadic addition wherein you add together your meaningful numbers and reduce the result to a single digit.
We do this recursively. As an example, let’s calculate Tom Cruise's Life Path. Cruise was born on July 3, 1962. So, first we add together the month, day, and year of his birth: 7 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 28; then we add together the individual digits of 28 to get 2+8=10. And finally, to narrow it down, we add 1 + 0, to get just 1. Cruise's Life Path number is 1 then.
In numerology, numbers have to be reduced until they reach their most basic root, for us to garner meaning from them.
There are 9 major Life’s Path where everyone can fit into. Each of these number corresponds to a personality, belief, and views in life.
(1) the Path of the Leader
Assertive and self-sufficient, highly motivated and focused, strives to be always the best. Can be critical of one's self, as well as of others.
(2) the Path of the Cooperator
Honest and humble. Inspire people around them
(3) the Path of the Entertainer
Entertains and makes other people happy through their sharp wit and vivid imagination.
(4) the Path of the Builder
Meticulous planners, thrifty, practical, and love to see the results of their own efforts. Fears new and untested ideas.
(5) the Path of the Seller
Versatile, adaptable, multi-talented.
(6) the Path of the Teacher
Loves beauty, harmony, and personal peace. They are trustworthy, loyal. Hates injustice, and loves fair play.
(7) the Path of the Loner
Has great powers of intuition and strong powers of reason. A perfectionist who doesn’t like taking advice from others.
(8) the Path of the Warrior
Struggles for power. They are tough, strong, ruthless in pursuit of their goals.
(9) the Path of the Humanitarian
Charismatic and creative, yet hot tempered when their causes are tampered with and threatened.
Regardless of the Life Path you were born with, all are equally valid, with lessons that should be embraced and learned with the best of our ability. All of us have talents and abilities that we should use well to give our lives the best meaning of all.